Sunday, November 27, 2011

More Cards-call me sentimental...

These are some favorite designs (and customers!) from years past. Most are custom designs, but if you see something you love, chances are, I can come up with something similar you'll love even more. After all, you'll be in it, right?
Again, this is available to customers who have sessions on file- a Spring Special shot would be super!
Shores of Graveline Lake (inside spread)

Gritty Reality behind Graveline glamour.

cover- 5x7 folded card

cover of folded 5x7 card

front of 5x7 card
Inside Spread
5x7 flat card


Back of Luxe card
5x7 flat card
Love that Vice Squad!

Now you have food for thought- If you'd like the graphics fairy to whip you up a design, please e me by 12/7/11, and I'll email you back a proof for approval. Lab turnaround is speedy-a few days- on the press cards. And do mull over paper choices: linen is lovely, watercolor wows, but the pearl metallic, baby, makes me swoon. 

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