Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Location, Location, Location!

How lucky are we! That would be Henry, his mommy & daddy, and ME! 
 Henry's been on my baby plan this past year, and as luck would have it, Daddy works with one of the Gautiers of, well, Gautier. So we rounded out Henry's baby plan year in style...

You've come a long way, baby!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Playdate with Austin & his folks

So happy Austin's mom and dad did a family session this time... 

  1. It's always fun when the folks hop into the frame, and it doesn't hurt one bit that these two look like they just stepped out of a magazine!

It was great fun- such a sweet, laid-back little family.And I swear Austin's grown three feet since last year! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's the Eleventh Hour... Attention: DD's (desperate daddies)

Gift Certificates! 
Now you're the hero... Printed on art linen paper. Can be picked up at downtown Ocean Springs studio. Also making a run to wild western end of Coast. Text or call Lisa at 228.424.0560.
Thanks to ever-dependable model, British Boles.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We go WAY back!


I love these folks- we've been  playing and shooting since MacKenzie was a newborn.
Always a fun day!


My fave... let's keep this identity a secret(!)

Glamorous 'Kenzie