Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ethan & his mommy introduce: Hudson!

After real-life adventure made a blogging vacation necessary, I knew I'd better come back with some strong material, and this beautiful little family is about as good as it gets. When the session was over, Laurie, my assistant, and I agreed that this wasn't work-this was a playdate!
P.S. The blue frame is from our 'Dragonfly" line.


Linda said...

You and Laurie are true artists! Admitting that your tools (the family) was just adorable to begin with, the softness and feeling that you captured between them is palpable. The lighting is perfect. And judging from the smile on Ethan's face, I can tell that the session was a fun one! Playdate is the perfect word.

Those cheeks really do need to be pinched :) I bet Mom is so proud.

Unknown said...

And I am blushing~
Shucks, with material like this, how can a shooter go wrong?
I do have some good-looking folks come through my door!

Kristine said...

Lisa, Thanks for posting these pics. I love the one of Ethan with the blue frame. You really took some great shots of my sweet boys.